It works by taking the variable current output of the solar panels and converting it to an alternate current. This is the reason why most home appliances run on an alternate current.
The light from the Sun appears on the layers of solar panels, which are composed of semiconductor layers.
The semiconductor layers absorb the light’s energy and transfer it to the cells. The electrons that escaped from the negative layers then move between the positive ones.
The energy that’s produced by the solar panels is then stored in a battery or sent to an inverter.
When the energy gets to the inverter, it uses a transformer to convert it into an alternate current. This produces an alternate current output.
The voltage and current are controlled by two or more transistor outputs. These outputs provide the desired current to the transformer.
What Does a Solar Inverter Do?
A solar inverter is the brain of a system. Without them, the system cannot function.
1. Convert Direct Current to Alternate Current
This is a solar panel inverter’s basic function that helps create power that is usable in homes and commercial properties.
2. Maximize Power Output
The voltage of the solar array is monitored by the inverters to determine the maximum power that the modules can provide. If they detect that the string is not achieving its peak, the system’s overall energy production can be decreased.
3. Interface with The Grid
Modern smart inverters can also support various grid-supportive functions, such as communicating with the grid and monitoring the system’s voltage.
One of the grid-assistance features of smart inverters is their ability to handle minor disturbances.
4. Report on Power Production
With the help of solar inverters, you can keep track of the electricity consumption of your system. They can also communicate with each other using Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
5. Ensure Safe System Operation
Unfortunately, there are cases where solar inverters are prone to malfunction due to material and system age. However, most of them can still function safely.